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You can ask any questions about add-on here
Alex, I have one major question...

I know there are a lot of new islands in the game, will each island have its own governor?

Thanks so much for doing this!
How much town management did you and your "crew" put in the game?? 1.gif

Thanks for helping us out! drinks_cheers.gif
Majors rule in the towns. All nations have only one govenor
Totaly we have 4 govenors and many majors of the towns

Govenor change their location often

====== copy from ahoy ====
Some explanation

1. Add-on can easy be installed to eng ver of potc (troubles will be with european ver - like with russions - they have different dir structures)

2. Yes. Need to translate!!! Start with INI\TEXT and quest book

3. I need to translate my web site to eng to help you with install

4. PROGRAM is not pressent in Add-on!! All code is closed in DLL

5. I will give you some files .c a .h to translate them

6. At end of all I create eng_patch.exe to set it over rus ver

7. All of textures and names of town on it will be optional by your side (draw it by self)

========= 2 ==========
We have more new weapon
4 new blades
3 axes
1 Combat-Arm
1 Musketon

2 new ship
shnava and brigantine

15 new islands

20 towns (17 with forts can be yours

more then 250 new mods like
1. Health meter of the hero
2. Loylity of the officers
3. powder for cannons
4. bullet for guns
5. Individual tuning of your ships
6. 20 ships can be your (port parking)
7. AI improve (sea and land)
8. Full statistic screen
9 New quest generator
10 New quest book (for generator)
11. new perks (like medic, command to boarding for your company)
12. armor (ciras 4 types)
13. New hero generator (create you own)
14 Can be plaing with woman hero (just for test)
15. Punishment for pirates
16. head hunters (for your head)
17. new system for goods store and price
18 Slaves to crew and crew to slaves
19. Build your own towns (in 4 turn)
20. Open non-linear world

and other 230 points

Your need just play new game...

Add-on is power game and it is new game (dislike potc)
I use only graphical engin ans resource pack

Call it seadog 2.5 It will be correct wink.gif

That you hear about AoP in this site had been done YET!
(Akella just anounce my add-on list + some news of engine. All other they hold in secret therefore I can do it more faster then them

So AoP must be power then add-on!!!
And can be SUPER GAME.
But it is just "can be"

So I need your REALY HELP
Greetings ALexus, please send me txt files so i could translate them into english
Цитата(Magnus @ Jan 2 2005, 09:38 PM)
Greetings ALexusB, please send me txt files so i could translate them into english

this is my e-mail : magnusss@interia.pl
thanks ALexusB, i've got it. sorry for the mistake in Your nick i was suffering from the giant hangover
Install game (I didn't write manual for english yet sad.gif ) and you'll chek your (and others) translation

Please take korsary.zip from ahoy - it's an old version but most work had done.
I sent you newest text from my current dev. ver.

2hack 5x

Please, post here your files to chek it by english speaker gamers

for version 0.9.1222
Цитата(ALexusB @ Jan 4 2005, 12:27 AM)

Please, post here your files to chek it by english speaker gamers

for version 0.9.1222

Yeah, thats right! I can check the files, or even help with the translation smile.gif
I have a lot of time, so I can help too... smile.gif My e-mail is in my profile, as is my MSN address. biggrin.gif
That was me, sorry... worthy.gif
Hi! crazy.gif
I have a few questions about some words in russian interface texts where i can't find any point for.
What does it mean in english(or german tongue.gif ):
- Как только я это сделаю, губернатор отвалит мне за это немного бабок.

- Шлюха

Thanks in advance.
- As soon as I complete/finish it, governor throws in/presents me some coins (kind of hard to translate - it's russian slang smile.gif )

- A whore/bitch
Thanks for the fast reply! drinks_cheers.gif
I hope there isn't to much slang because i've no chance to find such words in my dictionary. And Babelfish has its own grade of translation. graduated.gif

Na schaun mir ma! beer.gif
Hi. I have a last question before i can finish the Interfacefiles. tomato.gif
What does it mean: через зяпятую без пробелов

When this is finished, maybe i can load the files up to the PA-ftp server for correction.

Please, can you send some further files to my email adress?
This means: comma-separated, without spaces. Like: foo,bar,baz.
Thanks Gray! Very kind! thumbsup.gif
I've got a problem. If i speak to the "Architekt" he asks if i have some matter with him and the only answer i can give is about nothing important.
But i know, that i may hire him to build new colonys for me.
May it be, that the reason for this is, that i've got a patent from english mayor?

How to found gold in this addon?
I do not succeed! mellow.gif
You should have positive reputation - architect just doesn't work for 'evil' guys smile.gif
It depends...

At begin, while you don't have any ships, you can kill brigands in jungle or skeletons in caves, loot them and sell stuff. Or you can borrow some coins from a local money-lender, buy the cheapest boat (it costs like 500 gold, iirc) and solve simple quests which don't require decent ships (passenger/gold delivery, escorting merchant ships, etc).

After you've bought a 6th class ship, you can start to trade. First learn some basic concept of prices system in the world, then just buy everything low, and sell it high. Get enough money to buy a 5th class ship - and then piracy is easy! smile.gif Once you become an experienced player, you can start piracy even having just 6th class ship, though.
I'm "Horor of the high Seas". That's it.
But i've done my reputation so bad to be able to hire one of the nice girls. And if i'm a good guy she will leave me and never return. Ahhhh. doctor.gif

Thanks Gray! smile.gif
np smile.gif Well, it's a simple rule: you can't have all the bonuses at the same time wink.gif
Цитата(emrep @ Feb 13 2005, 09:32 PM)
But i've done my reputation so bad to be able to hire one of the nice girls. And if i'm a good guy she will leave me and never return. Ahhhh.

You can find the girl for "good" guys, in the pirates fort on Venesuela.
Цитата(mawricus @ Feb 14 2005, 02:27 AM)
You can find the girl for "good" guys, in the pirates fort on Venesuela.

Huuuh... Venesuela? IIRC it's Curacao smile.gif not sure tho - check both of them, emrep!
I know, in a version that i've played end of last year, their was Lisa Drake in Nevis the girl for good guys. That would be the girl i prefer. cool.gif
May it be that they get random reputation? unsure.gif
Цитата(emrep @ Feb 14 2005, 11:42 AM)
I know, in a version that i've played end of last year, their was Lisa Drake in Nevis the girl for good guys. That would be the girl i prefer. cool.gif
May it be that they get random reputation? unsure.gif

It was changed lately - Drake is a girl for 'bad boys' now, and the girl for 'good ones' can be hired at Curacao (iirc). Can't recall her name... she's in bright clothes (yellow or so).

I have installed the A&M addon as descripted by mawricus in another topic (using the 8 russian files plus the fonts) and I added the files translation I have found in piratesahoy ftp server.

I do not speak any russian and I am playing the game since 2 days. I didn't manage to raise the sum needed to buy a ship (cheapest ship is up to 3800 gold).

It is practically impossible (maybe only for me) to fight the brigands in jungle since they are 4 in a very open space and I manage to kill the skeletons in the cave (first part) but I do not understant how to loot them. When I kill a skeleton nothing is added to my inventory.

Can anyboby give me a hint how to loot brigands and skeletons, and if I can find any more files translated in english?

If you want to loot somebody you should press "1" or "Enter/loot", when you stand over the killed enemy.
Hi, warrior. smile.gif
To loot corpses you must use button '1',(in ver >= 1.05.0125).
Or - Enter->select icon "Hand". - this is the only variant in versions lower than 1.05.0125

ups... smile.gif : I writed that offline and mawricus did than already
AND SO I have some advise for you about looting wink.gif :
when corpses will be the only thing you'll see around, try to loot them by standing above the lower half (legs), use small steps to move around, and you may loot them all (or you may not 1.gif)
You're welcome smile.gif
Thanks mawricus and Void, I will try that.

"See" you probably tomorrow.

Thanks again ...
Цитата(Warrior @ Feb 16 2005, 01:16 AM)
I have installed the A&M addon as descripted by mawricus in another topic (using the 8 russian files plus the fonts)
Can anyboby give me a hint how to loot brigands and skeletons, and if I can find any more files translated in english?

Huuuh... just 8 files? To get the latest update, you need to install 8 base files (60Mb together), then 5 resource files and then update itself (0125). Basic version you have now is playable too, but it has A LOT of bugs smile.gif and no '1' binding - so the only way to loot is to use 'enter'.
Arrrr! Изображение
Another question. I've read in "alexusb_list.htm" point 115, that their is a guy to find who can make my ships nicer, better, faster. Who is that guy and where may i find him? Изображение
The guy is AlexusB himself smile.gif Yes, he lives in Caribbean basin as well! At Martiniqua, to be exact - there is a semi-hidden passage in the cliff at FdF port.
Arrrrr! Thanks, Gray!
I think i know that place where you mean. Изображение
Цитата(Gray @ Feb 14 2005, 04:10 AM)
Huuuh... Venesuela? IIRC it's Curacao smile.gif not sure tho - check both of them, emrep!

It's Venesuela! I'm sure!
Hi pirates,

I managed to capture a Man 'O War and two Battleships and I attacked Venezouela's Fort which was under Spain's control.

I did it well at the Fort and I was supprised that the prise was only cannon balls, food, etc. Then I decided to enter the town and when all soldiers were dead, I went to the Governor/Mayor Residence. Since I don't speak any russian, I spoke to him and I had chosen to use always the first choice of the dialogue as to answer. Then the Governor/Mayor ended to prison and there is nobody at the town. No price, no nothing.

What should I do in order to assign an other governor or to win some money ?

You have decided to leave a colony to yourself, on it in the beginning in it nobody will be. You can appoint the officer the governor smile.gif
Before you attack the fort, you could speak with citizens. If you ask them about the town, they could give you some information about gold or silver, wich is in the fort. After that, if you attack the fort, you will really find this gold.

When you speak with the Mayor, after capturing the fort, you have two choises in the dialogue.
1. Yo can send the mayor to prison and appoint a new mayor from one of your officiers. Then the town became yours.
2. You can demand a ransom for the town. But after the mayor paid it, you must leave the town.

Good luck!
Thanks alot Ekli and mawricus

I am back home and since the kids will go to bed, dady is going to play !!!

Thanks again ...
Hi guys 1.gif ,

I am playing long time and I think I have the money (12.000.000 gold) to start my own colony. Is it possible to someone to tell me, where can I find the architect and what should I tell him?

The architects you can find in taverns on the arhipelago. There are 3 or 4 architects. You can speak with an architect and choose always the first choise in the dialogue. For the first step of construction, you should pay 200.000-400.000. The architect will tell you about two isles: Caiman and Terks. You must sail to one of this isles and go on land on one of the bays. There is only one bay on some isle, where you can found your colony. If you are on the right place, the architect will inform you. After you have found the place for the town, the architect will say, what material he need. You must bring construction materials, slaves and foot for them. After 60-90 days (depends on the architect) your first town is ready. But this is a small village. Next you can upgrade your town to a big city in three, four steps. The Architect you can find in the tavern of yur town. In your new town, you must appoint the mayor and the fort commander from your officiers. You must speak with them in your town. By speaking with the mayor, you can hire the tavernkeeper, the merchant and so, but you should wait for a time, till the tavern and the shop opens.
Благодарит камрада mawricus !!!

I will try to find an architect and to build a colony ...

Thanks again ...
HI пираты, (Hi pirates) !!!

I finally managed to construct my own colony and to assign the Mayor and the Fort Officer(???). I am at the final upgrade phase.

Where can I find the Fort Officer ?

I think I manage to collect some money from the Mayor from time to time. Is that all I can do? Can I repair my ships for free ? or to have supplies for free?

Can I appoint ships to keep safe the harbor and how?

As you can see "just a few questions" 3.gif

Благодарит вас заранее (Thanks all of you in advance )
HI пираты, (Hi pirates) !!!

I finally managed to construct my own colony and to assign the Mayor and the Fort Officer(???). I am at the final upgrade phase.

Where can I find the Fort Officer ?

he is sitting in your fort and will command the artillery if enemy attacks yor harbour

I think I manage to collect some money from the Mayor from time to time. Is that all I can do? Can I repair my ships for free ? or to have supplies for free?

yeh, the mayor will collect some money for you, not very much wink.gif

ships will be repaire for free, everything else is for cash

Can I appoint ships to keep safe the harbor and how?

no, its a special developers feature....we've decided that it would be too easy if we'll let you tj have coast guards biggrin.gif
Thanks Kukurusina. I am going to develop the next cologny ...
Hi guys,

I am playing the game for at least three months now (ver 1.05.0222), and I do not use any translated files. The status of my game is: hero has all the abilities at level 10, money is around 12.000.000 gold, and one own cologny.

I remember, I have seen in some translated files about 4 categories of armor, 3 categories of maps, weapons etc. The strange thing is that only some days ago I found the musketon gun. My questions are the following:

1. There is any "gold" armor?

2. There is any "extraordinary" map?

3. What is the best sword?

4. What is the best gun?

5. If the answer is yes, how and when can I find/purchase them? Maybe the possibility of how rare items are is to small?

6. I have a treasure map of the Turks Island (not different from the map I bought from a merchant). What type of treasure should I expect?

1. In some treasure box in the dungeon (buy treasure map in tavern) It's generator, so you'll need find it. Or in quest by Gregor Samsa (from San Juan port, but he needs ratsGod)
2. in treasure
3. in treasure (or by quest Gregor Samsa)
4. shotgun (find Idol in treasure and open portal in Inks Temple)
5. Rare is present so you'll need fine part of treasure map in one of the treasure from tavern map
6. 1-5 smile.gif or junk and other funny staf.. or pot of gold and diamonds

So - treasure, treasure, treasure smile.gif

And ratsGod helps you minimaze rats on your ship
Цитата(ALexusB @ Mar 21 2005, 04:47 PM)
And ratsGod helps you minimaze rats on your ship

And even get rid of them.
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